Study Findings:

10 minutes of exercise a day could save an estimated 110,000 lives a year in the US. Adding 10 min additional increments also reduced the number of unnecessary deaths

  • 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day prevented 209,000 deaths. A 13% decrease in deaths per year
  • 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily prevented 279,000 deaths. A nearly 17% decrease in deaths annually. 

In order to know if you are hitting the moderate” or “Vigorous” exercise levels, you need to be able to estimate your target hare rate. To keep it simple, you can use the talk test to figure out if you are hitting a moderate or vigorous heart rate.

Moderate: Walking briskly (3 miles per hour or faster), general gardening, bicycling (slower than 10 miles per hour), tennis (doubles)

Vigorous: Race walking, running, jogging, aerobic dancing, jumping rope, heavy gardening (continuous digging of holes)