1. May increase risks of type 2 diabetes despite artificial sweeteners being free from processed sugar. They may raise the blood sugar levels by disrupting the balance of probiotics in your gut.

2. Diet soda is linked to metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is an umbrella term used to describe different types of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

3. Diet soda increases sugar cravings. Artificial sweeteners may increase craving for sugar by simulating your “sweet taste” receptors and the hormones in your GI Tract. That regulate hunger and satiety signals.

4. Diet soda promotes weight gain and obesity. In a report on obesity, results proved a correlation between consumption and weight increase. In a study of 3,682 adults monitored over an 8 yr. period and matched against those who don’t, the diet soda drinkers had a higher BMI. Diet soda interferes with blood sugar regulation and cravings contributing to weight gain.