On average American adults gain 1.5 pounds annually from their 20s to their 50s, and it’s not muscle. That contributes to chronic diseases from depression and sore joints to heart disease and diabetes.

Fat fueling sugar is also a major contributor. A new study found that consuming moderate amounts of added sucralose and fructose doubles fat production in your liver, leading to non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), as well as fatty deposits in your muscles and diabetes.

Researchers say 2.8 ounces of sugar a day – what is in a little more than 2 cans of coke – is all it takes to crank up fat production.

For up to 30% of the 100 million adults in the US with NAFLD, the disease progresses to inflammatory liver damage, and potentially fatal cirrhosis, so stopping the intake of added fructose and sucrose is essential!